Felix Monsen’s Triumphant Return: A Comeback Story at Beaver Creek 2024

Felix Monsen’s Triumphant Return: A Comeback Story at Beaver Creek 2024

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Felix Monsen quickly made a name for himself on the international ski racing circuit with his exceptional talent and tenacity. However, his promising career took a drastic turn when a series of injuries sidelined him, forcing him to step back from competitive skiing. The road to recovery was long and arduous, filled with physical therapy, mental challenges, and relentless dedication.

The Comeback Journey
Monsen's journey to returning to the slopes is an inspiring saga of overcoming adversity. During his time away from competition, he focused on rehabilitation, honing his skills, and rebuilding his strength. With the support of his coaches, teammates, and fans, he remained determined to make a comeback that would silence any doubts about his abilities.

The 2024 Beaver Creek Downhill
As Monsen stood at the starting gate in Beaver Creek, a mixture of nerves and excitement coursed through him. The venue, known for its challenging terrain and stunning views, was the perfect backdrop for his return. The atmosphere was electric. Bib 60 out of 60 competitors Felix was last one out. Adding nerves, bib 59 crashed and the event was on hold for 20 min. 

3-2-1 GO!

Felix managed a good run and finished 40. But most of all he ticked of the milestone of being back on the World Cup scene. Huge effort and we're amazed by his dedication and hard work. 

Upwards. Onwars. #wearebrutus